Paleo Diet

This diet is usually referred as “Paleolithic Diet” whereas Paleolithic refers to Stone Age era.  It is also known as the Caveman Diet, Stone Age Diet, Hunter-Gatherer Diet and some other names people call it. Thousands of years ago, humans ate mainly fish, meat, fowl, roots and leaves and fruits of many plants because these things are only available at that time.

The Paleo Diet

You will find it very interesting to know that the diet we should eat to maintain good health and be in great shape is the diet provided by Mother Nature.  In the ancient days, people used to eat this kind of diet before agricultural age.

They didn't experience and suffer from any of the modern day diseases that we have today such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer and other chronic illnesses. It was the natural and healthy food the ate that made them strong and resistant. Their diet was natural and simple. Our bodies are made to eat and get same nutrients as our ancestors needed.

Paleo Diet Recipes are a great source which provides a balance and natural food for our body. You’ll learn about the true benefits and tastes hidden in this diet.

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